

March 2024

Here’s an Ebay Roadtrip Parts 1 & 2for you cool dudes. My monthly vlogs are now on my Patreon.

February 2024

I’m still making walking videos on my Cool Dudes Walking Club Channel, and also monthly vlogs which are now exclusively on my Patreon along with other content. Link to the Patreon here:

I feel bad moving everything onto paid platforms but my industry seems to be absolutely screwed, no-one I know seems to be working.

On a more positive note, last year cameo in the second series of the excellent ‘Am I Being Unreasonable’. The whole series is on BBC IPlayer (I’m in episode 5). Here I am filming it with the very talented Phil Dunning.

Hope you are all doing well. Stay cool.

December 2024

I made a short video talking about my Top Five Films of All Time on Patreon. You can get a free seven day trial to watch it:

Here’s my November and the latest Crap Camera Club video:

November 2024

The year is going too quickly. Here is my October:

October 2024

Here was my September:

Sept 2024

Lots of videos this September

Aug 2024

Here’s my round up of July cool dudes.

July 2024

Made a weird video:

Here is my June Vlog:

Also I have started a new series of ‘Top 5’ videos, where I talk about my Top 5’s of different categories. This is on Patreon. (You can become a free member for two weeks).

The Crap Camera Club has landed. Here is the first episode:

May 2024

I made my second appearance on the Beef and Dairy Network with the great Benjamin Partridge. I play Barry Mizon who is trying to breed an Ultra Cow. It is all improvised. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. (If you fancy listening the previous appearance four years ago it is Episode 65)

April 2024

There are more regular updates on my Patreon page. I posted a Q&A on there today. Nice one.

I have finished editing the walks from my trip to Wales. Here is one of them:

March 2024

I have just launched a new idea. Crap Camera Club.

Here’s the short film I made with my friend Clare that I mentioned in the vlog below:

It’s March now. This is how my February went.

February 2024

Hello. February. I have started a Patreon to fund my videos. Also I have started to make monthly vlogs as a project this year. Nice one.

Also I did a low budget music video mentioned in the vlog. Here it is:

January 2024

A new year. Good luck everyone.

I did a musical workshop in London for Maid Marian the Musical, I played Rabies (the character not the disease).

December 2023

It has taken over ten years but I finally passed 10,000 subscribers on YouTube. I don’t even know what this means.

Meanwhile, I put all my comics into a book and self-published a run of 200 hardback limited edition copies. I am quite pleased with it. The last few are available on

Here is the annual 15-minute masterpiece video. This year all proceeds from the eBay auction will go to DementiaUK.

October 2023

It is October. There is zero acting work for bald 47 year-old men who look like eggs. I am trying to make a go of my Cool Dudes Walking Club channel before I have to work in Tescos.

Also I released the Spotter’s Handbook as an app with Laurence from WeareIndi for free. Details here:

May 2023

I keep forgetting to update this. I have been doing lots of walks on my Youtube channel Cool Dudes Walking Club and making the occasional film on my main channel

Also I have been enjoying taking photos and painting you can see some results on the instagrams – @marekscoolpics and @mareksart

January 2023

Here’s a review of the best walks of 2022.

Another year. Already there are a plethora of videos for you to watch cool dudes.

December 2022

The annual drawing/painting video is back. This year all proceeds from the eBay auction go to RNLI. I thought it would be fitting to try a Raymond Briggs drawing, after the great man passed away this year.

November 2022

I spent most of October editing and working on my second zine (I still hate the word zine). It is now available on my walking website – . Here are some pictures of it and the Mini Marek Keyrings I started making.

The zine

October 2022

I was lucky enough to have a very small cameo in ‘Am I Being Unreasonable?’ which is on BBC and Iplayer. It is one of the best things I have seen, well done to Daisy May Cooper and Selen Hizli and everyone involved.

I have been walking the Vectis Trail. A 74-mile walk around the Isle of Wight. Here are the videos.

August 2022

I went to Guernsey last month and walked around the Coastal Path. It was beautiful. I even made a zine about the trip which you can also get as a download on my walking website here.

July 2022

Day Three of the Boudicca Way

July already! Here is Day Two of my walk:

June 2022

I also walked the Boudicca Way in June, from Norwich to Diss. Nice one.

Another literary walk. Jane Austen country.

Welcome to June. I hope your plans and projects are going well. I finally got round to visiting a place I always wanted to see. Watership Down.

Also on Saturday, June 11th. I will be on Celebrity Pointless (I know Celebrity) with my friend Iain Stirling. It is on 7.50pm but I expect it will be on Iplayer. I hope we do well.

May 2022

The year is flying past. Here is one of my favourite walks ever.

April 2022

I did the Augustine Camino (well part of it) in March with my friend Carlos. You can watch the incredible journey in three parts here:

March 2022

I am still doing walks. That is pretty much all I do. You can see them all on

Stay cool

February 2022

Yes, it is February, and here are more walks involving searches for strange things.

January 2022

The Barnsley Trail – a short walk around the Isle of Wight.

I recorded all the sounds from a walk to try and make a nice relaxing video:

December 2021

The year has almost gone. I am tired. Meanwhile here is this year’s Marek’s Mediocre Masterpiece video. All the proceeds from the eBay auction go to the World Land Trust. Merry Christmas Cool Dudes.

November 2021

I finally finished editing my Norfolk Coastal Path walking videos. The walk took six days, the edit took six weeks. You can watch them all here. If you enjoy them, please like and subscribe, or even better join the club. Stay cool.

October 2021

I am currently editing my Norfolk Coastal Path, six day, 85 mile journey, the editing takes longer than the walk and is possibly more exhausting. Here’s the first episode, and also my Walk the Wight video. Walk the Wight is a charity walk for Mountbatten and thanks to everyone’s generosity I have raised over £1,700. Nice one cool dudes.

September 2021

Hello Cool Dudes. I completed Walk the Wight which is a charity walk for Mountbatten. I hoped to raise £100, and thanks to everyone’s generosity I raised over £1400. Thank you everyone, I was really blown away by the response. The walk was 27.5 miles long, I started at 6.15am and finished at 3.45pm, pretty fast for me.

I have also finished editing the Cool Dudes Trail. A three day walk on the Isle of Wight I plotted. Details are on my Cool Dudes Walking Club Website